Partner in Crime

I don't need a lady for me,
I need a partner in crime, the one.
The one who would accompany me in my weirdest desires.
The one who would spill water in my face just for fun.
The one who would star gaze with me, and find it boring enough then dance without any music.
The one who would talk to me for hours without any reason.
The one who would eat my ice cream and invite a war every time.
The one who would pillow fight with me then cuddle for days.
The one who would never say no, to a pot of hookah in my place.
The one who would dip one's Oreo in my cup and still think I won't punish her with ticklers.
The one, who would climb on my back when playful and kiss my neck every time, here.
The one, who would never be reluctant to try a new thing with me.
The one who would join me in my workout, to divert me.
The one who would cook, for me, with me.
The one who would listen to my flute for hours and not be bored.
The one, who would nurture me like her child, adore like her husband  respect like her father.
The one who would act like a six year old when angry.
The one who would be herself and stay for eternity.
The one who would not say I love you a hundred times but prove it a million, by her small actions.
The one who would stay loyal, who would be mine, and stay mine.
The one who would love me.
The criminal, heart throb, whom I'd treat like a princess.

Unfortunately, she doesn't exists.


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