Married. Chapter 2. " The Adorsho Bangali Shontan "

Dhruv waited eagerly for Ria at the dinner table, the same way he waited for her in the restaurant four years ago. He was an MBA topper, so he was good with numbers, he could recall every detail of every single day they spent together, every moment, every second. Waiting for his wife, he was lost in his dreams, nostalgic his heart was. Dhruv was a Bengali boy. " The Adorsho Shontan " of his family, being the younger one he was the one who was pampered with all the love and affection of his Dadu, Dida, Maa, Baba and his life, his elder sister, Shalini. She was really a girl, with an unmatched charm. Good grades, non academic prizes, and even she was good at writing, and what not ! Name it and she's the best at it. The brother and sister never fought, she was the only one with whom Dhruv was not reluctant to share his butterscotch ice cream. Dhruv followed his sister's footsteps and thus his school grades were good, good enough to land him in any of the top institut...